Biochemie, Biophysik

Biochemie Biochemie
14,95 €
Tatort Zelle Tatort Zelle
38,00 €
Zebrafish Zebrafish
171,19 €
Zoo Animals Zoo Animals
62,50 €
Biochemie Biochemie
69,99 €
Ameisen Ameisen
21,79 €
Silent Earth Silent Earth
29,00 €
Ornithology Ornithology
115,50 €
Biochemie Biochemie
29,00 €
Bioanalytik Bioanalytik
109,99 €
The Owl The Owl
19,00 €
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Stryer Biochemie Stryer Biochemie
Zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen und Verbesserungen der vollständig überarbeiteten Neuauflage zählen:
109,99 €
Principles of Animal Behavior Principles of Animal Behavior
Since the last edition of this definitive textbook was published in 2013, much has happened in the field of animal behavior. In this fourth edition, Lee Alan Dugatkin draws on cutting-edge new work not only to update and expand on the...
102,50 €
Lives of Bees Lives of Bees
Humans have kept honey bees in hives for millennia, yet only in recent decades have biologists begun to investigate how these industrious insects live in the wild. The Lives of Bees is Thomas Seeley's captivating story of what scientists...
38,00 €
The Sixth Extinction The Sixth Extinction
14,50 €
Biochemie Biochemie
Der Titel Biochemie aus der Reihe Lehmanns FACTS! fasst in übersichtlichen Darstellungen und kurzen Texten die wichtigsten Informationen der Biochemie zusammen. Im bewährten Doppelseitenprinzip finden Sie auf der linken Seite die...
14,95 €
Tales from the Ant World Tales from the Ant World
'Ants are the most warlike of all animals, with colony pitted against colony,' writes E.O. Wilson, one of the world's most beloved scientists, 'their clashes dwarf Waterloo and Gettysburg.' In Tales from the Ant World, two-time Pulitzer...
23,00 €
Behavior Guide to African Mammals Behavior Guide to African Mammals
Allows us to understand what animals do and what their behavior means. This title describes and explains the behavior of four major groups of mammals.
48,00 €
Honeybee Democracy Honeybee Democracy
How honeybees make collective decisions, and what humans can learn from this amazing democratic process.
31,50 €
Taschenlehrbuch Biologie: Biochemie - Zellbiologie Taschenlehrbuch Biologie: Biochemie - Zellbiologie
Dieser Band zur Biochemie/Zellbiologie vermittelt Dir die Grundlagen zur Struktur und Funktion der Zelle als kleinster Lebenseinheit: biochemische Prozesse, Energetik, Aufbau und Organisation der Zellbestandteile, Signalerkennung und...
39,99 €
A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlife
This spectacularly illustrated book is the only complete guide to thewildlife and natural history of the vast and beautiful Antarcticregion. Covering the Antarctic continent, the southern ocean, and thesubantarctic islands, this guide...
56,50 €
Biochemie für Ahnungslose Biochemie für Ahnungslose
Zitronensäurezyklus . ß-Faltblatt . Phospholipide ... das erklär' mir mal einer!
34,00 €
Hormone und Hormonsystem - Lehrbuch der Endokrinologie Hormone und Hormonsystem - Lehrbuch der...
Grundlagen und neue Entwicklungen
44,99 €
Amazing Arachnids Amazing Arachnids
Amazing Arachnids covers all aspects of arachnid biology, such as anatomy, sociality, mimicry, camouflage, and venoms. You will meet bolas spiders that lure their victims with fake moth pheromones, fishing spiders that woo their mates...
45,50 €
Solitary Bees Solitary Bees
While social bees such as honey bees and bumble bees are familiar to most people, they comprise less than 10 percent of all bee species in the world. The vast majority of bees lead solitary lives, surviving without the help of a hive and...
48,00 €
Statistical Physics for  Biological Matter Statistical Physics for Biological Matter
Generic methods and theories are described with detailed derivations, followed by applications and examples in biology. The book aims to help the readers build, systematically and coherently through basic principles, their own...
90,94 €
Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists
This textbook summarizes the basic knowledge of atomic, nuclear, and radiation physics that professionals working in medical physics and biomedical engineering need for efficient and safe use of ionizing radiation in medicine....
128,39 €
Near-Infrared Dyes for High Technology Applications Near-Infrared Dyes for High Technology...
This book summarizes the results of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on 'Syntheses, Optical Properties, and Applications of Near-Infrared (NIR) Dyes in High Technology Fields' held at Trest (Czech Republic) from September 24 to 27,...
320,99 €
Zebrafish Zebrafish
Thissecond edition details new emerging areas of zebrafish research focusing on genetics and genomics, techniques for developing and analyzing zebrafish disease models, and methods for neuroscience. Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols,...
171,19 €
Fruits de Solanum Torvum Swartz (Solanaceae) Fruits de Solanum Torvum Swartz (Solanaceae)
Objectif: Établir les bases scientifiques de l'action contre les gastroentérites de Solanum torvum Swartz (Solanaceae), une plante alimentaire utilisée en médecine traditionnelle contre les infections bactériennes. Méthodologie et...
39,90 €
Advancements of Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research Advancements of Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical...
This volume explores the use of mass spectrometry for biomedical applications. Chapters focus on specific therapeutic areas such as oncology, infectious disease, and psychiatry. Additional chapters focus on methodology, technologies and...
181,89 €
Horton Biochemie kompakt Horton Biochemie kompakt
Mit der aktuellen Auflage dieses Biochemie Titels von Horton et al. haben die beiden deutschen Co-Autoren Dieter und Martina Jahn es geschafft eine kompakteren und handlicheren Version dieses Standardwerkes zu schaffen. Gleichzeitig...
59,95 €
Prototype Nature Prototype Nature
In den letzten Jahren hat das Bionik-Kompetenznetz BIOKON als Beratungs-,Bildungs- und Kommunikationsplattform Kooperationen befördert. Den Unternehmen wurden unter anderem durch Bionik-Best-Practices die aktuellen Forschungsprojekte und...
49,00 €
Biochemische Grundlagen der Zahnmedizin Biochemische Grundlagen der Zahnmedizin
Frontmatter -- Vorwort -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Tabelle der Abkürzungen -- I. Zahnmedizin und Biochemie -- II. Chemie der anorganischen und organischen Bestandteile der Zahnhartgewebe -- III. Stoffwechsel der organischen Matrix -- IV....
109,95 €
The Scaling of Relaxation Processes The Scaling of Relaxation Processes
The dielectric properties especially of glassy materials are nowadays explored at widely varying temperatures and pressures without any gap in the spectral range from µHz up to the Infrared, thus covering typically 20 decades or more....
149,79 €
Secret Lives of Ants Secret Lives of Ants
Takes readers into a miniature world dominated by six-legged organisms which is the world of the ant, an insect that humans, as well as most other life forms, depend upon for their very survival. This title introduces readers to the...
42,00 €
Dog Behaviour, Evolution, and Cognition Dog Behaviour, Evolution, and Cognition
A comprehensive update to the first monograph on dog behaviour, evolution and cognition.
124,50 €
Serengeti Rules Serengeti Rules
How does life work How does nature produce the right numbers of zebras and lions on the African savanna, or fish in the ocean How do our bodies produce the right numbers of cells in our organs and bloodstream In The Serengeti Rules,...
19,00 €
Bovids of the World Bovids of the World
Bovids are a diverse group of ruminant mammals that have hooves and unbranched hollow horns. Bovids of the World is the first comprehensive field guide to cover all 279 bovid species, including antelopes, gazelles, cattle, buffaloes,...
38,00 €
Kulinarische Geheimnisse Kulinarische Geheimnisse
Anders als in einem üblichen Kochbuch erklärt Hervé This nicht nur, wie man ein Gericht zubereitet. Als 'kulinarischer Chemiker' versteht er es, dem Hobby-Koch auch das 'Warum' der Rezepte näher zu bringen. Anhand von 55 Rezepten aus der...
44,99 €
Die Pharmaindustrie Die Pharmaindustrie
Aktualisiert und erweitert wird ein Überblick über die Aktivitäten in der pharmazeutischen Industrie gegeben: Wie funktioniert die Arzneimittelentwicklung Welche Strukturen hat die Pharmaindustrie, wer gehört zu den internationalen...
44,99 €
Biochemie Biochemie
ansduktion und zelluläre Funktion
69,99 €
Rechnen im Labor Rechnen im Labor
¿Dieses Buch ermöglicht es Studierenden, BiologielaborantInnen und BTAs, sich die für ihre tägliche Arbeit nötigen mathematischen Grundfertigkeiten anzueignen und praktisch anzuwenden.
39,99 €
Mountain Gorillas Mountain Gorillas
Takes readers deep into the montane rain forests of Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo to reveal the complex story of the mountain gorillas of the Virunga Volcanos and Bwindi. This book reveals how humankind affects the...
44,00 €
Antioxidant Biochemistry Antioxidant Biochemistry
There has been rapid progress in the field of antioxidant biochemistry and its applications are finding their way across multiple industries. This book is an assimilation of concepts and relevant topics such as antioxidant activity of...
163,80 €
The Sixth Extinction The Sixth Extinction
Over the last half a billion years, there have been five mass extinctions of life on earth. Scientists around the world are currently monitoring the sixth, predicted to be the most devastating extinction event since the asteroid impact...
16,50 €
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
Achieve supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. The pairing of a powerful new platform...
93,50 €
Verhaltensforscher Verhaltensforscher
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 158. Kapitel: Bernhard Grzimek, Stanley Milgram, Konrad Lorenz, Steven Pinker, Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Iwan Petrowitsch Pawlow, Michael Tomasello, L. David Mech, Richard Dawkins, Nikolaas Tinbergen, Karl von...
33,44 €
Ameisen Ameisen
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 79. Kapitel: Crematogaster, Myrmecia gulosa, Blattschneiderameisen, Waldameisen, Myrmica, Rote Waldameise, Knotenameisen, Wanderameisen, Amazonenameise, Schwarze Rossameise, Rote Gartenameise, Rote Feuerameise,...
21,79 €
Insektenfresser Insektenfresser
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 86. Kapitel: Igel, Maulwürfe, Spitzmäuse, Braunbrustigel, Europäischer Maulwurf, Stacheligel, Weißzahnspitzmäuse, Schlitzrüssler, Rotzahnspitzmäuse, Sternmull, Daurischer Igel, Etruskerspitzmaus, Malaiische...
22,82 €
Locked in Time Locked in Time
Fossils allow us to picture the forms of life that inhabited the earth eons ago. But we long to know more: how did these animals actually behave We are fascinated by the daily lives of our fellow creatures how they reproduce and raise...
31,50 €
Gluten Sensitivity Gluten Sensitivity
Gluten sensitivity is a multifactorial phenomenon. In the medical context, it is associated with symptoms that occur after the consumption of gluten-containing foods. However, not all cases of perceived gluten sensitivity are medically...
21,39 €
Animal Communication Networks Animal Communication Networks
This book is about how and why animals communicate. It summarises research progress and prospects in the rapidly expanding topic of animal communication networks. Covering several different animal groups and types of signal, it also...
243,80 €
Detection and Analysis of SARS Coronavirus Detection and Analysis of SARS Coronavirus
This timely reference shows how a contactless coronavirus detector may be developed using existing biosensor technology, addressing detection principles, biosensor development and fabrication as well as commericalization issues.
189,50 €
Protein Engineering Protein Engineering
Provides a systematic and comprehensive look at recent advances in the field, detailing the methodologies and strategies behind current approaches.
235,40 €
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